It’s fast and easy!
Welcome to the Direct MH Loans appilcation process!
Here you create your own unique account and apply for your loan. It’s quick, it’s easy, and we’ll guide you through it one step at a time. On the left of your screen is a progress chart. You can see that there are 4 steps to complete this application process. Every step is short and easy to fill out. The progress chart will show you what steps you have completed.
If for some reason you do not have all the needed information to complete you loan application, you can log back in and complete the needed steps at a later time.
Once you complete the simple and easy loan application, you can log into your account and view your loan status.
Remember we are here to take your application over the phone or answer any questions you may have at 888.272.5722.
If you are transacting business with us over the internet we ensure the security of your information by using the latest technology in SSL. For more information review our Privacy Statement.
By clicking on "Start Application" you agree to the following: I (we) certify that the information provided is true and correct. I (we) authorize Direct MH Loans to verify any information included in this application or in other documents required to obtain the loan requested. I (we) also authorize any party named in this application to provide any and all information to Direct MH Loans. I (we) authorize Direct MH Loans and all banks, lenders, and credit unions they work with to retrieve my credit reports along with my co-applicant (If needed). I (we) authorize Direct MH Loans to email newsletters and program updates that I may opt out if I choose not to be contacted. At time of approval I (we) authorize Direct MH Loans to order a copy of title and a payoff letter from my current lender or party I (we) am purchasing home from. If I choose to submit this application electronically, I (we) acknowledge that, regardless of the fact that the browser and other security features are being used, Direct MH Loans is unable to ensure that the data can not be intercepted by third parties. I (we) agree that Direct MH Loans will not be held liable should such interception occur.